What Impact Does Genetics Have on Dental Health?

Your dentist probably badgers you about maintaining oral hygiene every time you visit them. The constant nagging about brushing regularly and flossing without fail may have annoyed you to follow it to the T. 

But did you know that your oral hygiene is not the only thing affecting your dental health?

Like everything else in your body, genetics influences your mouth. Even people following rigorous dental routines are at the mercy of their genetic makeup. Thus, there are parts of your dental health that you have no control over. 

Read on to know more about the impact of genetics on dental health. 

How Can Genes Affect the Mouth?

Genes can affect your oral health in several ways:

  • Determine the alignment of your teeth
  • They determine the chemical composition of your saliva
  • Can increase your risks of getting a cavity
  • A history of gum diseases can increase your chances of getting one 

If you have more crevices and grooves between your teeth, it is easier for acid to infiltrate those areas. The composition of your saliva also plays a role in how much it can neutralize the acids. That may lead to plaque formation and subsequent decay. 

Studies have also revealed a connection between dental caries and genetic characteristics. 

Knowing how genes affect dental health does not only help you. It also helps your children. You can plan a family dental care routine that counters all the issues your genes may cause. 

The Science Behind It All

According to DNA analysis, 47 areas in the human genome are linked to dental caries. Examples of how they affect your dental health are:

  • One gene has variants that may affect tooth quality and numbers
  • A different gene has variants affecting the quality of saliva
  • A few genes also determine the development of enamel and how strong your teeth are from the beginning
  • Some genetic processes that contribute to dental caries also affect cardiovascular and metabolic health

Your genes also influence your body’s immune system. Hence, people with weaker immune systems tend to be at higher risk of mouth ulcers and oral infections. 

The Counter

If something is in your genes, there is not much you can do to change it. Your best shot is to take all the precautions possible. So, some preventive measures you can follow are:

  1. Making Healthy Diet Choices 

Since your dental health is heavily dependent on your immune system, eating a well-balanced diet can make a huge difference. The foods and drinks you consume can boost your immunity. 

Try increasing your intake of vitamins, proteins, iron, and calcium. 

You should also avoid eating sweet or starchy foods. They stick to the enamel of your teeth easily and cause plaque formation. Drinking water instead of sugary sodas will also help your health. 

  1. Visiting the Dentist Regularly

Visiting the dentist should not be a task you put off until some major issue occurs. Regular check-ups are necessary for your dental health. Working closely with a dentist could do wonders. 

You will be able to know if:

  • Any problems are developing that can get early attention
  • You need a change in toothbrush or toothpaste
  • Your dental health requires other special products for it to stay healthy

Be sure to visit the dentist at least once every six months. A thorough check-up of your mouth will ensure that your mouth stays in its best state. 

  1. Following a Good Oral Hygiene Routine

You can personalize your oral routine to prevent its effects when you know your family’s history of dental diseases. Besides the regular brushing and flossing, you can also include:

  • Necessary mouthwashes 
  • The correct brush type that suits your teeth and gums
  • A toothpaste that is beneficial for your teeth

In Conclusion

Your genetics may significantly impact your dental health, but it does not have to define you. Taking proper precautions can nullify its effects and help you lead a healthy life. 

It is recommended that you understand the medical history of your family. That way, you will know what diseases you are at higher risk of. Hence, you can take the necessary steps to avoid them. 

Additionally, let your dentist know about the family history so they can prescribe treatment accordingly. 

Experts say that dental caries link up with genetics and other characteristics like smoking, drinking, obesity, and more, showing how they are similar to general diseases. 

What to Expect When Getting Your Wisdom Tooth Removed

Tooth extraction is one of the most dreaded procedures for anyone. Add the complexity of
wisdom tooth removal, and you might feel even more uncomfortable.
However, with new dental advancements, the intensity of pain in dental procedures has
been reduced. Still, you should be aware of the physical impact of common dental
For instance, wisdom tooth removal can seem painful. So, prior knowledge of this procedure
is crucial to calm your nerves. This blog aims to educate you about the general aspects to
consider before, during, and after surgery.

Wisdom Tooth Removal: Before Surgery
Wisdom teeth are additional molars that grow in the back of your mouth. However, you
might need to remove them for one of the following reasons:

 The wisdom teeth are trapped in your jawbone
 They grow at an awkward angle that results in them pressing against adjacent teeth
 Your jaw does not have adequate room to accommodate them
 They are facing conventional decay

In any case, wisdom tooth removal can become a necessity. So, when you visit the dental
office, expect these points before surgery.

Proper Dental Evaluation
Your dentist will ask detailed questions about your wisdom tooth problem. Be ready to
answer some additional queries related to the following:
 Existing health problems
 Current use of medical drugs
 The intensity of tooth pain
Furthermore, be ready to ask about the type of anesthesia used in the removal treatment.
Also, it is better to plan for some rest after the procedure.

Wisdom Tooth Removal: During Surgery

First, expect the surgery to last an hour or less. In most cases, expert dental surgeons can
complete the procedure within 45 minutes.
Expect the use of any one of the following types of anesthesia:
 Local
 General
 IV Sedation
If you receive local anesthesia, the dentist will only numb your mouth. On the other hand,
general anesthesia induces complete sleep during the process. Also, you might even wake
up after an hour with this application.
Finally, IV sedation makes you drowsy. The dentist gives you drugs administrated through a
tube directly into your bloodstream, usually a vein on your forearm.

Wisdom Tooth Removal: After Surgery
The feeling of drowsiness after surgery depends on the type of anesthesia used. Here’s what
you can expect in each condition:
 For local anesthesia: You can go home after a prescribed period
 For general anesthesia and IV sedation : You might need someone to accompany for going back home.

Also, expect the dentist to perform stitches in case it is required to cut gums or bones.
These stitches will heal after a few days.
The severity of discomfort and pain varies from person to person. So, you can feel no
distress after the surgery.

General Recommendation 
After removing the wisdom tooth, your dentist suggests effective measures for quick
recovery. Here’s what you can expect from the doctor:
 Regular rinsing with salt water day after the surgery
 Avoiding smoking or spitting
 Drinking plenty of fluids
 Using an ice pack to curb the inflammation on day of surgery
 Taking regular medication as prescribed
Moreover, follow these steps to ensure a quick reduction in swelling (if any) and fast
recovery. Also, mild discomfort after the procedure is natural. So, there is no need to panic.

Wrapping Up
While getting your wisdom tooth removed, experiencing anxiety and discomfort is normal.
However, the use of anesthesia will reduce the pain of the extraction.
If required, the dentist will cut the gums and teeth. So, expect some stitching in the process.
Your ability to drive back home depends on the effect of drowsiness. Be prepared to contact
a family member or close friend to accompany you in such a scenario.
Finally, to minimize the intensity of pain, it is crucial to contact an expert dental team.

What is dental implant and how it is similar and different from natural teeth

Getting a dental implant sounds scary at the outset. The stigma around implant surgeries and their prices does not help either. However, buying into these false stereotypes can make you neglect your dental health. 

So, instead of shying away from the procedure, learn everything about it. 

Once you are familiar with the ins and outs of dental implants, you will be able to appreciate how painless and effective the treatment is. To help with this, let’s dive into what dental implants are and how they compare to your natural teeth.


What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a replacement for your tooth roots. They are embedded in your jawbone and form a strong foundation for your artificial tooth. 

These replacement teeth are custom made to fit your mouth and match your other teeth. Once anchored to the implant, you will not be able to tell your artificial and natural teeth apart. 

Major Components

Any dental implant is composed of three components:

  1. Titanium Screw

This is the primary component of the implant. Made out of high-grade titanium, this screw post is inserted into your jawbone where the tooth is missing. 

Once in place, this screw lies entirely hidden inside your jawbone and is only visible on an x-ray. It will also fuse with your bone to provide natural support to your tooth and jaw. This allows you to chew and speak naturally without a hassle. 

  1. Abutment

The abutment is a metal connector. It will be screwed onto your implant after you have healed from your implant surgery. It is crucial to hold your replacement tooth in place.

  1. Dental Prosthetics

This is the visible part of your dental implant. Your artificial tooth can be a bridge, a crown, or a denture. Getting only dentures or crowns makes your teeth look natural but does not mimic the functioning of real teeth. 


Are they Painful?

It is easy to see why getting implants screwed into your jawbone might not seem appealing. But in reality, you have nothing to worry about.

During the procedure, local anesthesia will be administered. This way, you will not feel any pain from any of the instruments used. 

But you might feel the following post-surgery symptoms:

  • Slight pain and inflammation when the anesthesia wears off
  • Discomfort and mild pain for 3-5 days post treatment

But usually, most patients report feeling lesser pain than from a tooth extraction. Moreover, your dentist will prescribe over-the-counter pain medicine to ensure your comfort.


Implants v/s Natural Teeth


When you think about getting implants, the first question usually always is, ‘how good of a replacement are they?’. 

So, here is a comparison.


Here is how dental implants look and function exactly like your natural teeth:


Dental implants are considered as strong as your natural teeth. They are way better than any other teeth replacement alternative in that they fuse with the bone and form a tough root. Additionally, unlike dentures and crowns, they cannot slip from their position, nor do they impact your ability to speak or chew naturally. 


Much like your natural teeth, implants are built to be long-lasting. In fact, if you maintain proper oral hygiene, they should last for more than 20 years. 

Visual Impact

The prosthetic part of the dental implant is custom-made. It is built to fit your mouth perfectly and look like your natural teeth. 

Additionally, the porcelain used to make the crown accurately matches the size, shape, color, texture, and translucency of your existing teeth. But, if you want your tooth to stand out, you can also opt for a metal crown. 

Dental Care

You do not have to adopt a separate dental care routine for your implants. Your regular brushing and flossing routine is sufficient to take care of your implants. 

Note: If you suffer from Bruxism, you might need to wear a nightguard to protect your replacement tooth. 


Implants v/s Natural Teeth: Differences

Listed below is how your implants differ from your existing teeth:

Bone Attachment

The fundamental difference between the two is how they attach to the bone. The properties of titanium enable it to fuse directly to the bone.

On the other hand, your natural teeth never fuse with the bone. They are connected via the periodontal ligament. The fibers of this ligament go into your tooth on one end and into the bone on the other. 


While your natural teeth might decay, your replacement teeth will not. However, there is still the risk of bacteria build-up and premature implant wear. So, do not slack on your oral hygiene. 

Bacterial Infections

The fibers connected to your natural teeth protect them against bacterial invasion. This way, they stop the progression of gum disease. However, this protection is absent in your dental implant.

So, your implants are more susceptible to bacterial infection and inflammation than your regular teeth without proper dental care.

Tooth Movement

The periodontal ligament acts as a suspension system. It absorbs and dissipates the chewing forces to the jawbone, enabling micromovements. 

This adjustment is not possible with your dental implant. 


To Sum Up


Advancement in dental technology has enabled the creation of innovative solutions like dental implants. The advantages and high success rate of the procedure speak for themselves. So, if you think implants are a suitable option for you, do not hesitate to book your appointment today!

History of Queen Anne Neighborhood in Seattle

History of Queen Anne Neighborhood in Seattle


Renowned for its vintage architecture style and elevated hilly neighborhood, Queen Anne never ceases to mesmerize new visitors.

The residential area sits at an elevation of 456 feet, highlighting the steep slope of Seattle’s highest hill. This marvelous highlight of Queen Anne provides a unique identity to this urban settlement.

However, the famous Queen Anne Hill isn’t just a regular geological formation. In fact, there is an intriguing history associated with this quiet yet constantly improving settlement.

This blog walks through the fascinating story of Queen Anne, located in Seattle, Washington.

The Discovery of Queen Anne Hill

Queen Anne formed around 13,500 years ago due to the melting of the Vashon glacier. Surrounded by water from all sides, the hill became a preferred destination for settlers, thanks to its strong interconnectivity.

Around the mid-1800s, the Denny Party, a group of American pioneers, filed a claim to this hill. In 1853, Mr. Denny claimed a stake of 320 acres of land.

In the subsequent years, another pioneer settler, Thomas Mercer, established his claim to the north of the Denny region. This area was known as Eden Hill. However, the thick forest covering and steep slopes made it difficult to carry out activities like farming, so the development of the area was slow.

The 1875 Catalyst

In 1875, a massive hurricane flattened several trees in the dense hilly area. As a result, settlers found the region highly appealing for a progressive settlement.

Over the next decade, the economy flourished due to three main reasons:

  • Timber
  • Coal
  • Real estate

Settlers built their houses based on a unique architectural style called Queen Anne. The sheer dominance of these homes was the reason for the hill’s new name, Queen Anne Hill.

The Various Phases of Queen Anne’s History

Predominantly, Queen Anne transformed into an active suburban area due to its historical phases. Here are the various sections of its historical development:

Table: Queen Anne Historical Phases (source)

Approximate Era Phase
1853 – 1869 Pioneer Settlement
1870 – 1889 Queen Anne Town
1890 – 1916 Economic progress
1917 – 1930 Enhancement of neighborhood
1931 – 1945 The Great Depression and World War II
Beyond 1946 Modern age

Steep Progress of Queen Anne Neighborhood

Queen Anne residents have been highly active in various facets of activities like:

  • Municipal improvements
  • Community activism
  • Urban development projects
  • Robust transportation

In the mid-20th century, construction projects like the Aurora and Queen Anne Boulevard Bridge encouraged the use of automobiles.

Furthermore, some of the following events proved instrumental in developing the Queen Anne community:

  • The installation of an anti-aircraft gun during World War II
  • Seattle World’s Fair in 1962
  • The construction of the famous Seattle Center and its iconic Space Needle

Overall, the Queen Anne neighborhood prospered into a prime attraction due to its active community, robust infrastructure, and connectivity.

Queen Anne Neighborhood Today

Fast-forward to today’s era; the Queen Anne neighborhood has become a safe and vibrant area in Seattle. The easily accessible public transportation, restaurants, coffee shops, bars, and parks are highlights of the area.

In addition to the recreational amenities, hospitals, educational institutes, and dental clinics offer remarkable services to the residents.

The vintage 1800s Queen Anne-style mansions are still a major attraction in the northern sections of the hill. In addition, access to Puget Sound and Lake Union is a testament to its phenomenal waterfront lifestyle.

Wrapping Up

Over the years, the Queen Anne neighborhood has proved to be an outstanding example of continuous progress. The turning point of its development was the 1875 hurricane that helped flatten the thick forest.

Since then, the Queen Anne neighborhood has adapted to various challenges. Being a hilly neighborhood with good transportation, this region continues to function as a crucial facet of Seattle, Washington.

If you are looking for Dentist in Queen Anne or in general Seattle area, pls contact our local dental office Pure Dental arts






How to take care of your dental implant.

One common question we get from patients at Pure Dental Arts is on how to properly clean around dental implants. Because of the differences in supporting structure of the dental implant, it can be just as vulnerable to bacteria, inflammation, and bone loss, just like natural teeth! The name of the disease process for implants is called Peri-implantitis. It somewhat mirrors periodontitis of natural teeth.

It is important that you come for your regular cleaning appointment. At that appointment your dentist or hygienist will remove the plaque that has accumulated around your implant crown.  Your dentist/hygienist will also assess the following factors:

1) soft tissue assessment: checking for any abnormality in the gum tissues around the implant, like swelling, color changes, etc.

2) plaque index: amount of plaque around implant

3) bleeding on probing: whether there is any bleeding upon probing. Lack of bleeding means the implant is stable and healthy. If there is bleeding then efforts by both the patient and the dentist will be made to reduce it, this means regular cleanings and proper homecare.

As a patient, what can you do to better clean around your implant? A lot of patients may struggle to keep their implant clean due to the different contour and shape of the dental implant. We highly recommend the use of interproximal brushes over traditional floss when cleaning between your implant, as well as making your regular maintenance appointments. In the case that you have persistent inflammation around the implant that is not going away, we may have to refer you to a Periodontist for diagnosis and treatment.


1. Van Velzen, F.J., Lang, N.P., Schulten, E.A., Ten Bruggenkate, C.M. Dentalfloss as a possible risk for the development of peri-implant disease: an observational study of 10 cases. Clin Oral Implants Res.2016 May;27(5):618-21 Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26261052

2.Louropoulou, A., Slot, D.E., Barendregt, D.S., van der Weijdent, F.A. Prevention and Treatment of Peri-implant Diseases: Current Evidence on Cleaning of Titanium Dental Implant Surfaces. Int J of Evid Based Pract Dent Hygienist. 2017;3(2): 128-141. Doi: 10.1111607/ebh.137.

3.  https://www.todaysrdh.com/implant-maintenance-an-overview/


Going to the dentist while pregnant

Is it safe to go to the dentist while pregnant? This is an important question that we are asked by patients of Pure Dental Arts who are expecting. We will take a look at the research first and discuss.


The latest research has shown that preventive, diagnostic, and restorative dentistry is safe for the pregnant patient, and that use of local anesthetics with epinephrine (lidocaine, mepivacaine, bucaine) is safe. According to the ADA and the American Congress of Obstreticians and Gynocologists, agree that in addition to the above accepted procedures, that emergency procedures such as fillings, root canals, or extractions can be safely done on a pregnant patient, and that delaying such treatment may lead to more complex problems that could potentially cause issues with the pregnancy.


During pregnancy, several oral health conditions are commonplace:

Gum issues: increased risk of gingivitis may arise as a result of changes in hormones that increase the immune response to bacteria in the gum tissue. This leads to chronic inflammation and potential for tissue destruction.
Cavities: Increased incidence of tooth decay can be due to increased cravings for snacks and high sugar foods, as well as increased acidity in the mouth due to possible nausea and vomiting, as well dry mouth, and/or poor hygiene due to fatigue and stress.
Pregnancy tumors: these are benign gum tumors that may develop on the gums as a result of hormonal/immune changes.
Tooth erosion: this is when the tooth surfaces get worn down, literally like rocks on a beach getting worn away by ocean waves over time. This typically occurs as a result of morning sickness, as the acid from the vomit will cause tooth destruction. Interestingly enough, the solution here is NOT to brush immediately after vomiting, as this may spread the acid around, but instead to rinse the mouth with water and baking soda in order to neutralize the acid.

The importance of daily oral hygiene needs to be emphasized to the pregnant patient. In other words, basics such as 1) brushing twice daily with a soft tooth brush for 2 minutes 2) using fluoride tooth pastes and rinses and 3) cleaning in between the teeth with floss, WaterPiks, or interproximal brushes.


There is a lot of research behind the relationship between gum disease, or periodontitis, and pregnancy outcomes. Researchers have established an association between periodontitis and low birthweight and/or preterm birth, as well pre-eclampsia. Even though a clear “cause and effect” has not been clearly established, it would be in the best interest of the expecting mother to undergo treatment for gum disease if she has it. Conservative treatments such as scaling and root planing (“deep cleaning”) can be safely done in this case.


As mentioned the use of typical dental anesthetics is acceptable. What about antibiotics? In this case we will defer to the patient’s OBGYN. However, it is recommended that the use of Nitrous Oxide (“Laughing Gas”) is to be avoided. Nitrous is classified as a pregnancy risk by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.


What about radiographs (x-rays)? The most current research shows that radiographs can be safely done at any stage of pregnancy! The only caveat is that proper thyroid and abdominal lead shielding be done for the pregnant patient.


In summary, being pregnant does not mean you have to avoid the dentist. In fact, doing so can complicate your pregnancy. If you are pregnant and would like to establish proper dental care, contact Pure Dental Arts at 2064868600 today! or book an online appointment 


Favero V, Bacci C, Volpato A, Bandiera M, Favero L, Zanette G. Pregnancy and Dentistry: A Literature Review on Risk Management during Dental Surgical Procedures. Dent J (Basel). 2021 Apr 19;9(4):46. doi: 10.3390/dj9040046. PMID: 33921608; PMCID: PMC8072957

How to Clean your Teeth With Braces

At Pure Dental Arts, Patients with orthodontic braces often wonder about the best way to keep their teeth clean. After all, braces may contribute to a higher risk of cavities and gum disease if the patient doesn’t know how to clean her teeth properly. We will discuss how to do it here!

Frequently, after orthodontic treatment is completed and the brackets have been removed, we often see white marks left on the teeth, as well as swollen gums with possible chronic gum disease. These white spots occur 25% of the time. These regions are areas where the enamel has been demineralized, and is a precursor to cavities (caries). The main cause is inadequate cleaning.

Research has shown that electronic toothbrushes (think Sonicare or Oral B) showed greater brushing efficacy. However, proper brushing times, understanding of proper bristle positioning i.e. technique are still incredibly important. You should brush for the full 2 minutes, 1 minute per arch (upper and lower). Also the bristles must be positioned at a 45 degree angle to the gum line. The idea is to not only clean a little beneath the gumline, but to also clean the region just above where the orthodontic brackets are bonded to the tooth, as this edged area has a tendency to collect tremendous amounts of plaque.

It is important to brush with a fluoride tooth paste at least two times per day, after each meal, for a minimum of 2 minutes per session. You want to ensure that you brush all the teeth surfaces, front, back, and the chewing surfaces also. Special attention needs to be paid to the region between the wires and the teeth, and between the gums and the bracket, as that is where most of the food debris collects!

We also highly recommend regular flossing. Due to the wires and brackets, conventional floss will not work, you will need to implement floss threaders. It’s a bit like threading a needle, you insert one and of the floss (which has a plastic tip) underneath the arch wire. You then grab the floss on each end and work it in between the teeth until you have removed the plaque.

You may also want to implement other manual tools to aid in your efforts

A) Interdental tooth brush: it looks like a mini pipe cleaner. Use this to gently scrub in between the teeth, in all the nooks and crannies.

B) Water pick: this is a device that ejects a stream of water under pressure which can help free up pieces of food and “gunk” that has collected around your teeth and braces. Keep in mind it is not a substitute for brushing/flossing.

To find out more how to clean around braces, call Pure Dental Arts at 2064868600 today!.


  1. Hock Hoe Goh and Bridget Double day. Aids for mechanical cleaning of teeth with fixed braces. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. January 2018. CD012931
  1. Franz Martin Sander et. Al. Dental care during orthodontic treatment with electric toothbrushes. J Orofac Orthop. September 2006

Welcome to our practice

Dear reader,

This is my first blog entry, so I think an introduction is in order. My name is Evan Chiang, and I’m a dentist at Queen AnneDental Care Dental. Together with my good friend and business partner, Yogesh Goel, we seek to provide high quality dental care in a convenient, personalized way. We are truly honored to be members of the Queen Anne community. This blog is an opportunity for me to express some of the thoughts that go on in the mind of a busy, everyday dentist “working in the trenches.” There will be plenty of (hopefully!) interesting anecdotes that will help shed some light on my mysterious, seemingly boring profession. I also look forward to reading your comments and thoughts. For Yogesh and myself, owning our own practice is truly a milestone in our lives, as we’ve spent most of our careers working for other people. So, in March the adventure begins! We welcome you take the journey with us!

We make dental care fun and relaxing

At Queen Anne Dental, we are pleased to announce the opening of our state of the art new dental practice in Queen Anne. We are here to serve the people of Queen Anne and surrounding areas of Bothell, Kirkland, Redmond and Bellevue. Our goal at Queen Anne Dental is to be your dental office for all of your dental needs and provide top quality dental care.

 Dental CareQueen Anne dental is owned by me and Dr. Evan Chiang, so rest assured you are going to see the same familiar faces every time you visit us. We are long term friends and our treatment philosophy is to provide the best dental care available in a caring and compassionate manner. Every individual is different and we believe in providing the care which best meets your individual needs.

We believe that dental treatment does not need to be painful, uncomfortable or for that matter expensive. We think that visits to dental office can be fun and relaxing too. We have created a warm, soothing and relaxing environment where you can feel at ease. We want to build long term relationship with you and provide the dental care in a pressure free environment.

We are open late and on Saturday so that you don’t have to miss work, Belle recital or a piano lesson of your kid to see the dentist. Our office is kids friendly and we have gone extra mile to make it fun for kids with toys, surprise gifts and cartoons. Please visit our website WoodinCreekDental.com to learn more about us. We look forward to welcoming you at our office.

Dental treatment need not be expensive


Our philosophy at Queen Anne Dental is to not let money be an obstacle for you when it comes to obtaining the quality dental care that you deserve. Our practice is in-network with most of the insurance and PPO and we offer several affordable payment option too.  If you do not have dental insurance, don’t worry! Our Queen Anne Dental In-House Dental Membership Plan can help you save 20-50% off average treatment fees in our area.

Unlike a typical insurance plan, if you are member of our Queen Anne Dental Plan, you will not have to deal with claim forms, deductibles, maximums, or waiting periods. You can learn about the plan here.