What to Expect When Getting Your Wisdom Tooth Removed

Tooth extraction is one of the most dreaded procedures for anyone. Add the complexity of
wisdom tooth removal, and you might feel even more uncomfortable.
However, with new dental advancements, the intensity of pain in dental procedures has
been reduced. Still, you should be aware of the physical impact of common dental
For instance, wisdom tooth removal can seem painful. So, prior knowledge of this procedure
is crucial to calm your nerves. This blog aims to educate you about the general aspects to
consider before, during, and after surgery.

Wisdom Tooth Removal: Before Surgery
Wisdom teeth are additional molars that grow in the back of your mouth. However, you
might need to remove them for one of the following reasons:

 The wisdom teeth are trapped in your jawbone
 They grow at an awkward angle that results in them pressing against adjacent teeth
 Your jaw does not have adequate room to accommodate them
 They are facing conventional decay

In any case, wisdom tooth removal can become a necessity. So, when you visit the dental
office, expect these points before surgery.

Proper Dental Evaluation
Your dentist will ask detailed questions about your wisdom tooth problem. Be ready to
answer some additional queries related to the following:
 Existing health problems
 Current use of medical drugs
 The intensity of tooth pain
Furthermore, be ready to ask about the type of anesthesia used in the removal treatment.
Also, it is better to plan for some rest after the procedure.

Wisdom Tooth Removal: During Surgery

First, expect the surgery to last an hour or less. In most cases, expert dental surgeons can
complete the procedure within 45 minutes.
Expect the use of any one of the following types of anesthesia:
 Local
 General
 IV Sedation
If you receive local anesthesia, the dentist will only numb your mouth. On the other hand,
general anesthesia induces complete sleep during the process. Also, you might even wake
up after an hour with this application.
Finally, IV sedation makes you drowsy. The dentist gives you drugs administrated through a
tube directly into your bloodstream, usually a vein on your forearm.

Wisdom Tooth Removal: After Surgery
The feeling of drowsiness after surgery depends on the type of anesthesia used. Here’s what
you can expect in each condition:
 For local anesthesia: You can go home after a prescribed period
 For general anesthesia and IV sedation : You might need someone to accompany for going back home.

Also, expect the dentist to perform stitches in case it is required to cut gums or bones.
These stitches will heal after a few days.
The severity of discomfort and pain varies from person to person. So, you can feel no
distress after the surgery.

General Recommendation 
After removing the wisdom tooth, your dentist suggests effective measures for quick
recovery. Here’s what you can expect from the doctor:
 Regular rinsing with salt water day after the surgery
 Avoiding smoking or spitting
 Drinking plenty of fluids
 Using an ice pack to curb the inflammation on day of surgery
 Taking regular medication as prescribed
Moreover, follow these steps to ensure a quick reduction in swelling (if any) and fast
recovery. Also, mild discomfort after the procedure is natural. So, there is no need to panic.

Wrapping Up
While getting your wisdom tooth removed, experiencing anxiety and discomfort is normal.
However, the use of anesthesia will reduce the pain of the extraction.
If required, the dentist will cut the gums and teeth. So, expect some stitching in the process.
Your ability to drive back home depends on the effect of drowsiness. Be prepared to contact
a family member or close friend to accompany you in such a scenario.
Finally, to minimize the intensity of pain, it is crucial to contact an expert dental team.